With its unique nature and historical texture, Uçmakdere…

You enter Uçmakdere through a 500-year-old monumental plane tree. The village is filled with 100-year-old wooden houses, beautiful like an oil painting. Despite the years, the texture has remained unspoiled and resilient. The residents of Uçmakdere engaged in sericulture for many years. However, in 1989, the pesticide used to combat the sunn pest also killed the silkworms due to the airflow, ending sericulture in the village. The houses, which resisted the years, began to empty one by one due to migration to the cities.

Majestic plane trees…

The monumental plane trees on Uçmakdere’s coast hang over the sea like umbrellas. There are pensions, restaurants, buffets, and a camping area on the coast where you can set up tents. Tekel’s Güzel Marmara Wine Factory is also here. The locals proudly say, “Our air comes after Altınoluk, there is no pollution, people can live here just with the air and water.”


According to the ruins, the history of the village dates back quite a bit. A marble piece resembling a sarcophagus with a double-headed eagle engraving and the date 1865, a cistern used in the production of beverages in the garden of a building once used as a winery, writings engraved in Greek alphabet on brick and wooden Greek houses, an inscription at the fountain at the village entrance, large iron consoles holding the roof of the grocery opposite the coffeehouse, a wooden ceiling medallion with leaf motifs – all provide a historical atmosphere.


The village’s name in Greek is “Avdimio,” meaning “pleasant place.” While the Greeks used the name Avdimio, the local Turkish Yörüks called Uçmakdere “Avdin.” It was a significant wine production center during the Greek period. According to a photo taken in 1918, there were about 500 households in the village, most of which were three-story and glass-fronted. The village had a church, a holy spring, a Greek cemetery, wooden bridges, lamps in every street, giant mirrors at intersections where carts could see each other, and cellars under every house that could hold tons of wine, as narrated by visiting Greeks.


Uçmakdere Village, the new address for motocross enthusiasts, attracts many motorcycle fans. With green mountain roads, sea, and sun, nature tours offer unforgettable experiences to motorcycle enthusiasts. You can have safe and peaceful nights at campgrounds where you can find the tranquility to unwind from your day’s journey.


With its deep blue sea and green mountains, Uçmakdere Village has become the new address for paragliding enthusiasts. To glide over Uçmakdere skies, you need to climb to Nişantepe, which is 625 meters high. There are four launch points here, and when you jump from the peak, you land in Ayvasıl Bay.


Turn left at the last lights at the city exit of Tekirdağ towards Kumbağ, then turn right shortly after. Continue right towards Naip, pass the brick factories and through Naip Village. Continue by turning right and then left from the village square. Follow the signs for Mermer Village and Yeniköy. The road will fork twice, follow the left fork both times. As soon as you leave Yeniköy, you will reach the mountain roads. About 7 km later, you will arrive at Uçmakdere Village.